Sunday, 17 August 2014

The Bedfordshire Yeomanry’s Travels

Bedfordshire Yeomanry [X344/163]

Monday 17th August 1914: Our contact with the 1st Bedfords tells us that they are due to march to Le Havre station late this evening en-route to Heaven knows where. No doubt it will be towards the fighting. We understand that the French armies are hard pressed by the German hordes steam-rolling their way through Belgium, burning, raping and looting as they go.

At midnight the Bedfordshire Yeomanry left Swindon [Wiltshire] for Winslow [Buckinghamshire]. Horses were saddled and boxed in the darkness, a task which a facetious correspondent describes as "no light one". The journey from Swindon to Bletchley [Buckinghamshire] occupied seven hours, and on arrival at the latter town the men and horses detrained and proceeded by road to Winslow, a distance of ten miles. This place was reached just after noon. During the train journey one of the horses of D Squadron was killed.

The men were loath to leave Swindon was the people of that town had shown them every kindness. About fifty members of A Squadron are billeted at Winslow Workhouse, where special arrangements were made. The weather continues perfect and the men are in the best of health.

Sources: X550/2/5; Bedfordshire Times 21st August 1914

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