Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Armour Piercing Bullets and a Possible Attack

Wednesday 17th November 1915: the adjutant of the 2nd Battalion at Givenchy-lès-la-Bassée tells us that they have been told that the War Office is very anxious to secure a small supply of the latest pattern of German armour piercing rifle ammunition for experiments in England against armour plate(1). If any of this German ammunition is available or becomes available in the future, it is to be forwarded as early as possible. As the adjutant remarked it is just one more thing the men will have to look for when patrolling or raiding enemy trenches.

The adjutant of the 7th Battalion tells us that at 8.10 last evening a verbal message was received from the 6th Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment on the battalion’s flank to “stand to” as an enemy attack was expected. The order tio stand down came twenty minutes later as no attack developed. The night was misty so the commanding officer took advantage by sending out men to inspect the barbed wire in front of their positions. This was found to be “none too good”.

Sources: X550/3/wd; X550/8/1

(1) This may have been due to the development of the tank which would go into action on 15th September 1916. The first tank - Little Willie, was demonstrated in August and September 1915 (and is still on display at Bovington Tank Museum)

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