Saturday 29 October 2016

Day One Hundred and Twenty One on the Somme

Captain Pearse

Sunday 29th October 1916 From our Correspondent in the Field

Today we hear from the 2nd Bedfords that they have marched to billets in Pommier, where Captain L F Beal is Town Major. Lieutenant N V Dabell has left the battalion temporarily, as he is going to replace Captain H A W Pearse as adjutant of 30th Divisional School.

33rd Division have again attacked the enemy east of Lesboeufs in heavy rain today. Even heavier enemy fire prevented any advance. 

39th Division took some ground at a point known as the Pope’s Nose on the slope from the River Ancre up to Thiepval, where Mill Lane branches off from Thiepval Road. We have had rain since 25th of this month and the going, bad before, is now worse. The devastation of millions of shells have destroyed all natural drainage and so the ground, in many areas, is effectively waterlogged.

Source: X550/3/wd

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