Tuesday 16 October 2018

Fourth Army will Attack Tomorrow

Wednesday 16th October 1918

As Second Army pushes towards and crosses the River Lys, to the south Fourth Army is preparing to push on after a rest of a few days, over the River Selle and through le Cateau to countryside not seen in four years. In a briefing to the press corps (1) today Fourth Army commander General Rawlinson has set the scene for us: "The valley of the Selle, which the Bosche has fortified to some extent, and, what is more inconvenient, has dammed at many of the mills and bridges, causing inundations which limit the front on which attack is possible. However I am having a go at this position tomorrow, with some seven divisions in line, and I have no doubt that we shall penetrate, and give the enemy another nasty knock"

(1) actually a letter to the King's private secretary Colonel Wigram

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