Friday 27 February 2015

An Attack Signalled in Advance But Not Delivered

Saturday 27th February 1915: A curious incident has been reported to us by the adjutant of the 1st Battalion which is about to move back for a rest to Bailleul but has been in the front line near Wytshaete. They received a message from the Brigade headquarters that a lamp had been spotted in the German front line signalling that an attack was to be made at noon. The Battalion took precautions to receive the attackers but none came.

Whether this was the enemy's idea of a joke or not is unclear. It might have been that a traitor in their lines was discovered and the intended attack cancelled. Alternatively there could have been a mistranslation of the message when observed by our men. Or it could have been a German plan to get our men to pack the forward trenches so an artillery bombardment could be brought down on them to kill as many as possible. If so, no such bombardment seems to have taken place. So the incident must just be put down as another of those curious episodes with must take place in any great human endeavour.

Source: X550/2/5

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