Wednesday, 25 February 2015

More News of The East Anglian Royal Engineers

Thursday 25th February 1915: Sapper P A. Greenway, from Stuart Street, Kempston, tells us: “We have quite a number of our chaps in hospital; out of our section(1) alone we have one wounded, home in Kempston (Ashpole), another Kempston fellow here, two with some bodily ailments, one in Huddersfield Hospital and another one of whom I don’t know his whereabouts. Then we have lost our Section Officer. In the place where we are now billeted there is not a house now standing which has not been damaged in some way or other. Some have no roofs on, others have no sides left up and there is no end of cattle left with no owners. In fact I can hardly describe the condition of the places. We had some tiles knocked off our house today by shells. I don’t want to alarm you but there are dozens of shell holes round about our home. We are working at nights again now and when I return home I shall have books full of news”.

Source: Bedfordshire Times, 26th February 1915

(1) About ten men.

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