Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Plans for the Big Push

The Loos area (Official History of the War: 
Military Operations France and Belgium 1915 Vol II)

Thursday 23rd September 1915: A leak from 7th Division shows the scale of the offensive our forces at Loos are expecting to deliver in the next few days.


(a) The enemy.
The enemy's defences on our front consist of two well defined systems of trenches. The front system runs west of Fosse No. 8 and follows the ridge southwards towards Loos. 1,500 yards to the east is the second system of trenches running through Haisnes -  Cité-Saint-Elie – Hulluch. Both these systems are protected by wire. The 117th Reconstituted Division is holding the trenches immediately in our front, with its regiments in the following order from the North: - 11th Reserve Regiment, 157th Regiment, 22nd Reserve Regiment. The VIIth Corps is to the north and the IVth Corps to the south of this Division.

(b) Our own troops.
The 1st Division (IV Corps) is on our right.
The 9th Division (I Corps) is on our left.

(a) On conjunction with the French, the 1st Army will assume the offensive on September 25th and advance between Lens and the la Bassée Canal towards the line Henin – Lietard - Carvin, I Corps moving generally on to the line Pont-à-Vendin - Bauvin, IV Corps advancing simultaneously south-eastwards, with its left on Pont-à-Vendin. The Western end of Hulluch is included in the IV Corps area of advance.

(b) The task of the 7th Division is to clear the trenches in front of them; occupy the remainder of Hulluch, Benifontaine, Puits No.13, and Cité-Saint-Elie; and from these places continue the advance on Pont-à-Vendin and Meurchin, seizing the Canal crossings about these places.

(c) Immediately on the right of the 7th Division, the left Brigade of the 1st Division (IV Corps) will advance simultaneously and attack the west end of Hulluch. The boundary between our right and the 1st Division left runs just South of the Vermelles - Hulluch Road.

(d) Immediately on our left the 9th Division will attack the Hohenzollern Redoubt, and thence FOSSE 8, continuing their advance on Haines and Douvrin.

(a) The 7th Division will be distributed as follows, according to preliminary orders already issued.

In front.
On the right, 20th Brigade Column (20th Infantry Brigade, 95th Field Company, RE, No.1 Mortar Battery).
On the left 22nd Brigade Column (22nd Infantry Brigade, 54th Field Company RE, No.10 Mortar Battery, D Trench Mortar Battery).

In reserve.
21st Infantry Brigade.
Highland Field Company RE
Divisional Mounted Troops (Divisional Squadron and Cyclists - Commander. Major Hall, the King's (Liverpool Regt.).

The Divisional Artillery is under the immediate orders of the GOC I Corps until the advance begins.

After the advance begins, the 14th Royal Horse Artillery Brigade will operate in immediate conjunction with the 20th Brigade Column; and the 35th Field Artillery Brigade in immediate conjunction with 22nd Brigade Column, and the remainder of the Divisional Artillery, including attached Batteries, will be under the orders of the Brigadier General, Royal Artillery, 7th Division.

(b) The 20th Brigade Column will attack the enemy's trenches from the Vermelles-Hulluch Road inclusive to the Slit Work exclusive; and thence move on Hulluch.

The 22nd Brigade Column will attack from the Slit Work inclusive to approximately G.5.c.8.7. and thence the Quarries, Cité-Saint-Elie, and Puits No.13.

From the above places, the 20th Brigade Column will continue its march on Vendin-le-Vieil, and, Pont-à-Vendin and the 22nd Brigade Column on Wingles and Meurchin.

(c) The artillery will bombard the enemy's trenches and positions previous to the assault, under orders of the Corps Commander. A separate daily programme has already been issued.

The action of the Divisional Artillery to cover the actual infantry assault, is shown in the Time Table attached.

After the preliminary bombardment is over, Artillery will be lifted on to objectives further in rear according to the prepared programme.

It may so happen that some points will have to be re-bombarded.

On such occasions the general arrangement will be as follows (unless special orders are issued at the time for counter procedure).

On the obstruction being detected either by sight or by information being sent back, the Artillery bombardment will be ordered on the place from where resistance comes.

This will continue for half an hour, the last five minutes will be intensive.

The Infantry attacking such pints will thus know when the Artillery bombardment is going to cease; even if they fail to note when it actually begins, they will recognise its approaching end by the 5 minutes intensive fire. The infantry may thus be able to gain graound [sic] during the bombardment and will be prepared to rush in directly the intensive 5 minutes fire is over.

This applies to important places.

Small localities must be dealt with by the Forward Observation Officer accompanying the troops.

The Divisional Artillery will push on to closely support the infantry, as soon as possible.

Source: X550/3/wd

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