Friday 4 September 2015

Protection from the All Seeing Eye of the Aeroplane

Albatross C I

Saturday 4th September 1915: The adjutant of the 2nd Battalion, thinking to illustrate the sort of life they lead, has sent us the following, which they have had from Brigade Headquarters:

“Officers and troops in billets within the ordinary shell area of the enemy's guns are to see that the arrangements for their troops taking cover in cellars or dug-outs on the occasion of hostile artillery fire on the billets they are in, are complete and well known to everyone concerned”.

“These precautions are especially to be observed in taking up new billets inside the zone of shell fire”.

“There is no doubt that hostile aeroplanes early this morning were able to locate gun positions and infantry billets and shelters in or about Vermelles. There is to be no unnecessary movements about these places. Except when duty demands the contrary, troops are to be kept under shelter during the hours of light. Sentries over billets, shelters, artillery positions &c., are to be placed to see this order is carried out”.

“Aeroplane look-outs are to be posted on every occasion where troops are necessarily employed in the open, and arrangements made for such troops to take cover on the signal from the look-out that aeroplanes are about.The Officer or NCO in command of the body of troops on the spot is responsible that this is done”.

“Any aeroplane is to be regarded as suspicious, and precautions taken, until the distinguishing mark clearly shows it to be a friendly machine. Lately, hostile aeroplanes have been especially active very early in the morning and late in the afternoon. These are the times when men are outside billets, washing etc., and getting ready for work. Such preparations are to be made as much as possible under cover, and when this cannot be done, the aeroplane look-outs are to be especially alert”.

“Nothing is to be gained by neglecting these precautions, and the plans of our commanders may easily be upset if the presence of troops, in certain places, is observed by the enemy”.

The tenor of these instructions leads us to believe that a major offensive may be coming.

Source: X550/3/wd

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