Tuesday 4th
December 1917
Around eight
o’clock last night a message was received by 8th Battalion, Bedfordshire
Regiment, that the 1st Battalion, King’s Shropshire Light Infantry has
withdrawn from Talmas Lock on the Escaut Canal and that steps were at
once to be taken to prevent the enemy crossing the canal. Accordingly, C
Company under Lieutenant Wright was ordered up to take possession of this lock
and to hold it at all costs. They succeeded in establishing themselves and
guarding this lock.
Orders were then
received that all troops on eastern side of the canal were to be withdrawn to
the western side as orders had been issued that all the bridges were to be
blown up. This withdrawal was accomplished without losing a man, the battalion
being the last to cross, all positions being held by them until orders were
received that the bridges were ready for demolition. The bridges were then
blown by the Royal Engineers with assistance from the battalion. Four men were
killed during these operations(1)
He went on to
say, with phlegm typical of the British soldier, that nothing of importance has
occurred throughout the day and that the situation is very quiet, no reports
having been received owing to runners being unable to get back to Battalion
Headquarters by daylight. As I write these lines the Battalion has just
received orders to establish an outpost line from Prémy Chapel to the railway which will be the outpost line
until four o’clock tomorrow morning, at which time they will withdraw.
Source: X550/9/1
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