Friday 12 December 2014

Comforts for the Troops

Saturday 12th December 1914: Major W. H. Denne, commanding officer of the 2nd Bedfords, has contacted us as follows: "From time to time bundles of comforts are received for my Regiment endorsed 'From your friends in Bedfordshire'. As I don't know who the person at the head of this organization is, I would like, through the medium of your worthy columns, to thank them one and all, on behalf of my Regiment, for their kindly thought and attention.

It is most satisfactory to the Regiment to know they are so loyally supported by so unselfish a county. Our task, no matter how unpleasant to may seem, is made all the more congenial by the fact that it is backed up by the esteem and approval of a grateful nation.

Believe me 'Friends of Bedfordshire' your soldiers at the front are as grateful for your comforts as you are of their services. All ranks of the Bedfordshire Regiment extend their hearty thanks and very sincere wishes to you all for Christmas".

Source: Bedfordshire Times 11th December 1914

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