Tuesday 28 July 2015

Assisting with Gas Experiments

Gas masks at the Imperial War Museum

Wednesday 28th July 1915: With some wry amusement the adjutant of the 2nd Bedfords has passed onto us a request from General Headquarters for one hundred men from the corps in which 7th Division resides to assist in experiments with poisoned gas. They are “to assist the chemists who have been specially enlisted for dealing with asphyxiating gases”.

Those wanted should be “Intelligent men with experience in trench warfare”, who should volunteer for the work. “A knowledge of chemistry or a scientific training would be an advantage, but neither is essential. Great care should be taken to select suitable men, as the work required of them is of a very responsible nature”. Of course, intelligent men such as these are just the sort of soldier that every Battalion needs are would be unwilling to part with.

These men will be transferred to the Royal Engineers and given the rank of Corporal with pay at the rate of 2/6d a day with 6d a day Engineer pay. This, of course, would be a fair incentive for any private soldier not too wary at the prospect of having to work with such inherently dangerous materials

Source: X550/3/wd

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