Monday, 1 June 2015

Deserted to See His Sick Wife

Ampthill Camp [Z1306/1/34/2]

Tuesday 1st June 1915: the first case in which it has been necessary to requisition an escort for an absentee from the Duke of Bedford’s Regiment(1) in Ampthill Park, was dealt with by the Luton magistrates. The man was Arthur Nicholls, whom Sub-Inspector Attwood found at a house in Gordon Street, Luton. Nicholls admitted that he had not a pass, and said he left the camp the previous Saturday, and would have gone back the same day had his wife not been so ill. The officer stated, however, that he had ascertained that the man’s wife had had neuralgia, but she was not ill now, and was able to be about. He was granted a reward of 5 shillings for the apprehension, and Nicholls was remanded to await an escort

Source: Luton News 25th May 1915

(1) The unofficial name given to those training to join the Bedfordshire Regiment at Ampthill Training Camp, which was set up and commanded by the Duke of Bedford.

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