Sunday, 14 June 2015

Private Medlock’s Distinguished Conduct Medal

Monday 14th June 1915: In the latest list of men to whom the Distinguished Conduct Medal has been awarded a few days ago, there appeared the name of Private W. Medlock, 1st Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment.

Private Medlock was a reservist, who was called up in August last from the works of the Skefco Ball Bearing Company Limited(1), Leagrave Road, Luton and his experience of fighting at the Front goes back to the Battle of Mons. He is one of many Skefco men who are doing fine work with the Colours – one has laid down his life – and the special deed for which he has been awarded this coveted medal is told in the official record in a few words. At Neuve-Chapelle, Private Medlock crawled from the trenches to a farmhouse occupied by about 50 Germans, bombed the enemy’s shelter and enabled our troops to take possession of an important tactical position.

When he knew he was to receive the medal for this gallant deed he sent a postcard to one of his mates telling him there was a surprise in store, and put on the card the letters D. C. M. But, with that reserve which is a well-known characteristic, he said nothing about what he had done.

Source: Luton News 10th June 1915

(1) Now SKF.

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