Friday 21 August 2015

Money for Telescopic Rifle Sights Wanted

Saturday 21st August: As mentioned in our article of 7th August, telescopic sights are needed for newly formed bands of snipers. We would again draw the attention of our readers to the appeal made by Mr Pym, Hassells Hall, Sandy, for funds to provide telescopic rifle sights for the crack marksmen of our Bedfordshire Battalions at the Front. It is known that all German snipers are with these telescopic rifle sights, which enable them to pick off our men with almost certainty up to 500 yards, while our own troops have only two such special rifle sights to each Battalion. The disadvantage to our men and the necessity of putting them on an equality with the enemy in this matter will be apparent, and it is earnestly hoped that the subscriptions asked for will quickly be forthcoming. Six telescopic rifle sights are wanted for each of the two Bedfordshire Battalions at the Front, more, if possible, and from £150 to £200 is required. The Duke of Bedford, Mr Pym and Mr C Guy Pym have each subscribed £5 5s to the fund. Mr Archibald Allen £1 1s and Mrs Josselyn 10s. Further sums may be sent to Mr Pym, Hassells Hall, Sandy or to Barnard’s Bank, Bedford. A list of the subscriptions will be published next week.

Source: Bedfordshire Standard 27th August 1915

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