Monday, 5 October 2015

The Bedfordshire Yeomanry Finish Their Work

Tuesday 5th October 1915: The Bedfordshire Yeomanry have finished the unpleasant task of clearing a trench on the Loos battlefield. The adjutant tells us that the previous night was a bright, starlit night and bitterly cold. Work began at 9.15 yesterday morning. The firing step was finished and an elbow rest of sandbags was built wherever possible.

The yeomen were again shelled intermittently all day. Lower down the line a shell dropped among the 9th Lancers, causing five or six casualties. During the morning 19th Hussars found a live German concealed in a dugout. He had apparently been stunned by a bomb and lain there in a semi-conscious condition for several days. He recovered sufficiently to be able to carry his captors’ kit down to the buses when the Brigade moved out. This move was carried out without loss soon after sunset and then Bedfordshire Yeomanry returned to billets arriving about 2.30 this morning.

Source: WW1/WD2

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