Sunday 28 May 2017

News from the Battalions

Monday 28th May 1917

Yesterday, in Palestine, part of 1st/5th Battalion spent Whit Sunday by the sea. A and B Companies marched to the mouth of the Wadi Ghuzze and had an enjoyable time bathing in the Mediterranean. 2nd Battalion are now on their way to the ruins of Ypres by train from billets near Béthune. They will be billeted in the Infantry Barracks in the town with headquarters in the Ramparts

The 1st Battalion are at a concentration camp(1). Part of the battalion were out on working parties whilst the rest paraded for drill and other training from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm. After tea the final of the inter-platoon football match was held, being won by 13 Platoon of D Company.

Lieutenant Blanchard has been admitted to 15th Field Ambulance sick and Second Lieutenant Sharpin has taken over his duties as Transport Officer. The new adjutant is Lieutenant Millais, who has taken over from Second Lieutenant Kingdon, who has gone with five other ranks to XIII Corps Draft Training School where they will act as instructors. Finally the commanding officer, second-in-command and company commanders have attended a lecture at Écoivres on “Patrolling and Self-Defence”.

Sources: X550/2/5; X550/3WD; X550/6/8

(1) simply meaning a camp where a number of units were concentrated, without any sinister meaning.

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