Saturday 29 November 2014

Water in the Trenches

Sunday 29th November 1914: The 1st Battalion are in the front line again, in trenches north-west of Wulvergem, which is south of Ypres and north of Armentières just inside the Belgian border.The adjutant tells us that the trenches are disconnected and in bad condition. Trenches generally begin when a unit in the open has to dig in with some alacrity when coming under fire. These temporary trenches have then become permanent but in areas of the line where there has been little action they do not always interconnect with other trench systems and it is this activity which both sides will now be undertaking, to create a continuous front line running from the Swiss border to the sea.

The adjutant further comments that the communicating trenches are full of water and that the men are kept hard at work trying to revet and improve trenches and bail out water. The Communicating trenches are those which lead backwards from the front line to a second and third line, these being necessary if the front line is rushed and taken by the enemy.

Sources: X550/2/5

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